PORTSMOUTH — Allen J. Shers of Roger Williams Court was unanimously appointed by the Town Council Monday night to fill an unexpired term on the School Committee.
Jessica A. Lineberger, who was elected to the panel as a newcomer in November 2014, announced her resignation last month, saying she will be working in the Netherlands for a year.

Mr. Shers, a self-employed real estate agent, appraiser and consultant, has served on numerous town boards and committees and local organizations over the past 35 years.
Just recently the 1971 Brown University graduate was appointed first alternate on the Zoning Board of Review. He’s also served on the Economic Development Committee, the Design Review Board, the Tank Farm Redevelopment Committee and many others.
Glen Farm stables
In other action, the council voted unanimously to spend no more than $22,000 on repairs to the cupolas on the stables at town-owned Glen Farm. The contractor will be Stafford Design/Build of Tiverton.
Town Administrator Richard Rainer said the work will involve studying the conditions of the cupolas, removing one of them and replacing it with “non-rotting materials.”
One cupola is listing and needs immediate attention, said Mr. Rainer and council member David Gleason.
“There is one that’s just barely hanging in there,” said Mr. Gleason.
Veteran Day Ceremony
The council unanimously approved a request by American Legion Post 18 and its Auxiliary to hold a Veterans Day ceremony at Town Hall starting at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 11.
The council also approved the Post’s request to place a bin in the building’s lobby to collect new and gently used coats, hats and gloves for veterans as part of Operation Stand Down. The bin will be at Town Hall as early as Nov. 4.
Annual license renewals
Sitting as the Board of License Commissioners, the council unanimously approved a host of annual license renewals for local businesses during a hearing.
They involved liquor licenses for package stores, Class BV and victualler licenses for restaurants and country clubs, Sundays sales licenses, peddlers licenses and other categories. Licenses were also renewed for two gun dealerships and two private detectives.
All licenses were approved on the condition that all applicable fees have been paid. No one from either the council or the public commented on any of the licenses.
The hearing was continued to the next council meeting on Nov. 9.
Besides the licenses renewed during the hearing, the board also approved a new annual peddler license for a Del’s Lemonade truck owned by Bruce Long of Middletown.
The board also granted an entertainment license, victualler license and Class F daily liquor license to Pennfield School for its fine art sale and preview party scheduled for Nov. 13.
Administrator’s report
Mr. Rainer said the town has again been given a AAA bond rating by Standard & Poors, the credit rating agency.
The administrator said the difference between AA and AAA ratings may seem relatively small, but the higher designation means the town will save about $68,000 annually, or $650,000 over the life of a bond.
“That’s pretty considerable,” he said.
Mr. Rainer also announced that Police Officer Ryan A. Goyette was honored Oct. 16 with a “DUI Achievement Pin” by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers.
In addition, Finance Director and Deputy Town Administrator James Lathrop was honored Oct. 19 with the Robert M. Goodrich Distinguished Public Service Award from the R.I. Public Expenditure Council. The award recognizes an outstanding local employee.
Housing appointment
Kenneth Jones was re-appointed to the Portsmouth Housing Authority.
Union talks
The council adjourned at 7:38 p.m. and went into executive session to discuss collective bargaining with the local firefighters’ union.
Upcoming meetings
The next regular Town Council meetings will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9 and 23.
The post Allen Shers picked to fill Portsmouth school board seat appeared first on EastBayRI.com.